Monday, August 31, 2015

Recruitment Night

Every year, in August, Fountain City Roller Derby's recruitment events take place.  There are usually two of them.  This year the two are at different places, hoping to attract skaters from all over the metro area. 
Striking Dervish, my wonderful coed teammate and MADE All Star, is the head of our recruitment and training committee.  She knows her stuff and is super organized.  All I do is write for this thing
Dervish doing Dervish things.
The first meeting at 20 or so people show up.  There will probably be about the same at the next one.

I have the best leggings.  For real.
I'm not so social.
Kate wanted a pic, Jeff wanted to join.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Derby Sunday

Sheilas do not need cones!  We use shoes!

It was hot. 
Last Coed Game of the Year!
My team has gotten so much better!  No longer a 100 point spread!
I'm sad to see our Bullet go!  But I completely and totally understand,

Friday, August 28, 2015

Happy Friday?

Friday…I don’t want to be here.  It feels like a day that I need to be curled up in my bed.  I’m usually on vacation the last part of this week.  Just all the sad.  And a baby panda died. I know, I’m two days late on that one, but still.  I think I’ve been so mentally exhausted the past few days that I have been sleeping with only waking up once or twice.  Sometimes life is just overwhelming, even when I try to make sure it’s not that way.  I don’t even want to say any more about it.  When things are brought up that I never want to think or hear about again, it knocks me down.  I want to move on with life. I’m done dwelling in the past. 

There might be some force trying to make me feel better this morning.  Someone brought me breakfast and it was laying on my desk when I got to work.  I got an email from my friend that moved to the other office. Tanner called me on his way to school.   Alli called me.  Peyton did all his stuff without me having to ask.  I still just want to go home though. 

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Throwback Thursday: CCRE 2013 & 2014

 A few of my friends are heading to the Wildwood for CCRE today.  I think they are kinda nuts for taking a train.  But, hey, it might be a fun experience.  So, to throw it back to the past few years in Wildwood, here you go.   I didn't take a whole lot of pictures.  I was frustrated my phone didn't work a majority of the time.  Stupid Sprint on an island.  While, I'm not going this year, I will be going back next year.  And I think we should even stay in the same motel. ;)

Slayer, me, Jeff, Wyatt, Dervish, Shelly and Nick

Fat Seagull

Them all crazy in the water

I was tired.  All the tired.

Our motel was the bees knees

Slayer and I after we played

I did alright

My first year!  I did alright here too!

On the Ferris Wheel, I love Ferris Wheels

All the prettiness!

2013 Wildwood Sunset

This thing was so gross and good at the same time.  I, maybe, ate a quarter of it.

Best Bruise I've ever gotten 2013

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Wednesday Randoms

Now, this is how you watch 'Cops'
Then, watching Wheel of Fortune, he gets his initial on TV
Look who has a job now....

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Baseball Tuesday (that's a thing)

We probably attend way too many baseball games.  Is that a thing? No?  I didn't think so.  It was a perfect night for baseball.  The weather was perfect.  It wasn't hot and/or raining.  And they won.  Then, Angie, left me tour her work.  It's much more exciting than my work.  But that smell.
Angie and I
There's Salvy.  I must remember to send to Angie.
And, they won!

Monday, August 24, 2015

My Homework

Allis teacher gave me homework.  At least, it was easy homework.  Alli kept texting and asking me all weekend if I had finished it.  She was all over me on Sunday, asking if I had finished it!  I finished it!  With plenty of time to spare.  She was super cute and adorable while she was reading it.  I guess I did well?

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Saturday, August 22, 2015

All that bread!

Sue got me to church.  She's been trying.  She keeps telling me about it and how great it is.  Okay, so she didn't actually get me in the church.  I was outside of the church.  Her church sponsors a Harvesters food drop.  They need people to hand out the food.  So, we handed out food.  There were a lot of people who came out.  Mostly the disabled and elderly (and those with a million children they can't afford).

Sue has all the bread under control!
More breads and cookies and cakes and bread!

Friday, August 21, 2015

Now, it's Allis turn

Who has the cutest daughter?  That would be me.
She likes him.  He graduated from K-State.  He is alright in her book.
She wanted to know if she was wearing too much white.
Oh look, walking to the bus.  just kidding, she was walking to get the trash can. I drove her to the bus stop.
Because this is what she does.
Bus was only 10 minutes late.
That mother is recording her son getting on the bus!  Really?!?  He's in Sixth Grade!

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Peyton Goes to School

Things that happened this morning:
  • Peyton was awake at 6:00
  • Completely dressed by 6:30 with his lunch packed and key in his backpack (he's super proud of that key)
  • He was out the door by 7:10
  • He ran through a spider web
  • I pulled off the door handle to the front door
  • I fixed the door handle temporarily, so I could get back into the house
  • Peyton was already gone and on the bus by the time I made it up there
  • I was 25 minutes early for work
  • It was only 59 degrees this morning.  Isn't it August?
Peyton laid out his clothes for school.  I'm okay with this.
Before he ran off to the bus stop.  He barely let me take a picture and he told me I could not drive him there.
Running throw a spider web. 

Throwback Thursday: Destin 2010

Since Peyton started school today....yuck, why is summer vacation over? It's time for a throwback to the first Destin vacation we went on. While I know it's only five years ago, my children look so different. Why did they grow up so fast?

You might notice the color of the water that year.  All the times we have been there after that the water has been super clear.  But think of what happened that year.... I'm just happy that didn't ruin any of our vacation. 

Tanner enjoying the balcony.  Me, not so much.
All off in their own little worlds!
Time to play in the sand!
There might be a Peyton, chasing a seagull...
Tanner and Alli
Hey, that's me and my little P
Do something cute?!?
Looking for the little crabs at night
Waves!  There aren't many of them there!
This....this is how you do family pictures.
I might be hiding from everyone.