Thursday, October 12, 2017

writer's workshop: I won!

I won an award once.  In eighth grade.
I got an invite for the awards ceremony.
I said to one of my teachers, “Who in the world would give me an award?”
She shrugged her shoulders.

The awards ceremony was a week away.
My family was so excited.  I was so excited.
I won two awards!
One for science and one for PE!
Who wins an award for PE class!  Me!  I did!
For my positive attitude and not being afraid to try things.
The teacher that I had asked the question to; she had given me the award. 

I will always remember that conversation, because I didn’t think I deserved one award.
Alli competed in her first debate tournament on Tuesday and won a speaker award! 
Proud parent here!
I totally woke her up from her nap to take the picture.

Wanna link up? 
Head on over to Mama Kat's Blog and check out what other people are winning!


  1. Belated congratulations on your two awards!

    You actually woke your daughter to take the picture of her with her award? Well, congratulations to her, too.

  2. Congratulations! Attitude is everything, even in PE! Congrats to Alli, too :)

  3. I think I would've felt better about P.E. if I could've have just won a "faithful to dress out every day,"award or a "tried hard" award. Unfortunately the only people who got kudos and attention were the kids good at those gymnastic/sports things.

  4. Apple doesn't fall far from the tree!!
