This is Maggie. She's my #1 Tortie love bug.
Maggie wasn't feeling well.
She kept throwing up bile and foam.
She was being not Maggie like.
Maggie had a hairball she couldn't quite cough up.
She was still eating and drinking.
I Pinterested "Cat Hairball Remedies"
and pumpkin was the prevalent one.
You mix the canned pumpkin with the canned cat food.
I have never seen her jump up so quickly to eat, especially from
her few days as not feeling well kitty.
Two days of the pumpkin/cat food diet and she is back to norm.
Puking and pooping hairballs as she should.
it a regular part of her diet since she is upping in the age department.
So, thank you Pinterest! You have made my cat a much happier meow!
P.S. My Pinterest got hacked today! Why would someone hack a Pinterest account?! Seriously?!?