Saturday, April 21, 2018
#atoz challenge : S is for Social Media
Which social media platforms do you use? How many do you visit daily? Are you so social media connected that you are losing sight of your in real life relationships?
I have accounts on a lot of social media platforms, but most I do not visit and probably couldn't remember my log in.
Facebook: That is the demon that I use the most. I do not post a lot. I looked on my timeline and an actual post from me was about a month ago. I mainly have it for the groups for the roller derby league. Everything is posted on Facebook.
Instagram: This one I actually use! You can find my feed and account information above. Join me in that lovely world of pictures and fun.
Pinterest: I have that one posted on this here blog somewhere. I think on the lower right hand side. It's a favorite of mine too. I probably visit it once a week or when I need inspiration for things.
YouTube: I don't post much, but I watch a ton of videos.
Twitter: I don't use hardly at all and I barely look at it. I have posts that go over there from sponsored posts or products.
Google +: It's there. I look at it occasionally and try to figure out how to work the thing. I know my blog posts go over there and I can find others blog posts there.
I use Goodreads to find books and keep track of what I've read. Influenster is the site I get free products from. I look at Snapchat, but no idea how it works and I don't care to find out. I read things on Reddit occasionally.
What forms of social media do you use? Which is your favorite? Which do you loathe?
Yes Facebook keeps me busy. Never got into Instagram but I have lots and lots over at Pinterest! Influenster is one I never heard of, will check it out! https://everyonehasafamilystorytotell.wordpress.com