All of the peoples in the League |
2016 Shotgun Sheilas Cherry Violence, Zombina, Jade Bond, Aneeda Hurtcha, Dorothy Gale-force, Penny Roller, Beetle Juke Me, Luckey Strikes, Mimi LeStrange, Dir-T Diana, Pippi Strongblocking Ensane Gwen, Black Mamba, Foxxi Brown (missing Hannah Matronic) Coaches: Wyatt, Captain Ron, Lukey and Yoshi |
2016 Usual Suspects Me, Micro Psycho, Texas Outlaw, Leroy Jenkins, 10Acious V, Aneeda Hurtcha Striking Dervish, Jam Pa, Valkyrie, Candi Crusher Ensane Gwen, Slam of God, Groot, Lili St. Slayer We had a few missing... Coaches: Shelly and Ben |
I'm Zombina's kid Alyssa little Z :)