Happy Fall everyone!
I know, Fall started yesterday at 3:02 pm, but I already had a blog up
for yesterday and the beginning of Fall fun needed its own day! It’s time to say good bye to Summer. It went by super-fast for my family. It was so jammed packed full of goodness.
My Fall list of things to do isn’t super long. If I make it too long, there is a chance of
not succeeding and I want all the fall lovelies to happen. Here is my list, in no particular order!
Apple Picking at Cider Hill Orchard. They have apple donuts, apple cider slushies
and kettle korn. They have a hayride to
the orchard! So, that is a two for one
because a Hayride is on my list also!

Corn Maze. Venturing
out to Gary’s Berries for this fun activity!
Gary’s Berries has a ton of other stuff to keep people entertained. This will be a Friday night excursion because
they have fireworks on Fridays!! Their show is awesome too! There is a hayride here too.
Pumpkin decorating!
Yard Work! We have so
much of it to do! I found those pumpkin
leaf bags at the store and picked some up the other day. Might as well decorate as we are working.
Pumpkin decorating!
Caramel Apples – I’ve seen some delicious ones at stores
Have a mini bonfire after all the yard work is done.
Make a Thankful/Gratitude list for November.
Pumpkin and Apple Recipes!
Being all the basic is the best.
Watch WFTDA champs! I
would actually love to predict all the winners and win some stuff.
The Pumpkin Glow at Powell Gardens – October 21st. My mother and I are going to take the kidlets
on an adventure.
Scarecrow Fest baking contest!
Turner Days – we have a 1 mile race for Peyton, the parade
and Mud Volleyball.
Teachers STEM event at Union Station.
It’s almost fall back time, so check those fire alarms and
CO2 detectors.
Fall/Halloween movie night
Family Chili Contest
Pies, Pies and more Pies!
Start watching Game of Thrones. I keep hearing that I will like it.
Volunteer at Harvestors or another food pantry or
Watch the adorbs Charlie Brown holiday movies.
Bonus: I would love
to go to a football game!
What are your must dos for the Fall Season?!? Give me your ideas!
Happy Fall! It's my favorite season, but now I feel like a slacker looking at your goals list ;)