Sunday, February 14, 2016

Valentine's Day Traditions

I don't have any yet!!  What?!?  I would sure like to start some though.  It's never too late to start traditions!  I like Valentine's Day.  Not because I get big elaborate gifts or go to fancy places and eat fancy things, but because it's a holiday!  I have never really done anything with it.  It kinda makes me a little sad.

So, not real elaborate on the traditions.  I made the cherry floats.  I made lunch for everyone.  The kidlets got their chocolates and cards.  I got a sink full of dishes to do.  Can we not make that a tradition?  So many dishes all the time!

The Guinea Haz stole a strawberry.  He just wanted the green part though.

Strawberry Floats for my Valentines
I made my own fudge.  I have no idea how I did it, but it tastes good.
I made chicken wings!  First time and they turned out pretty yummy.

Garlic/Parm Chicken Wings
You just need a bag of frozen drummettes and wings.
I had practice that morning, so I stuck them in the crockpot on high
before I left.  I was gone around 2.5 hours.
They were completely done when I got home.
I made a garlic and parm mix.
Use your own tastebuds to determine how much you want of each.
I rolled the chicken in that.
Stuck them in the oven at 425 for around 30 minutes.
They fell off the bone, which I need.
I can't eat chicken off the bone.
I'm weird.

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