Friday, November 6, 2020

Happy Friday!


True story!  While we knew that it would take longer to count the votes this year, it's so hard to wait.  But patients is what we must have.  As I write this, states are very close to their final tallies.  Whew!

I've had trouble concentrating on work this week on top of the computer issues.  But I've still done more work than others, so I am good.  

The kids are out of school today.  Thank goodness.  Peyton's been up since 730 doing things outside.  Why doesn't he get up this easy for school!?! :)

Thursday night was our Board of Directors search meeting for KCRW.  We got all the interview questions categorized and put in order of importance.  The next steps will be to put out the application.  Once an application is received, the list of questions will go out to applicants so they can prepare.  It's only fair since some of our possible applicants have access to the documents and are part of the search committee.  We want everyone on a level playing field during the interviews.

It's not my bed, it's the cats bed.  

Things I want to do this weekend:
  • read
  • yardwork 
  • meet my grandpa and mom for lunch
  • catch up on my writing (I have some daily things and letters to write)
  • catch up on blog reading
Also, I almost did a perfect budget for this pay period!  I am so proud of myself.  I have been trying to do that all year.  

Today was supposed to be our first in Disneyland.  I hope to replan for maybe late next year.  It looks like Japan might be pushed back a year also.  I am okay with that.  I rather go when it's fully open and the sites aren't closed.

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!