Monday, September 21, 2020

Another weekend gone...

 Happy Monday!  How was your weekend?  Anything exciting happen?

On Friday, Alli passed her driver's test!  Yay!  We officially have a driver!  We went out to eat to celebrate.  Eating out is weird now.

Peyton only had two days of in person school last week.  This is what it looked like.

I went to a plant sale pop-up and purchased a pony palm.  I am trying my hardest to keep it safe from the cats.  I keep it outside during the day.

Peyton buys, sells and trades shoes.  I took him to a store and he made $100 profit on a pair.  He wants to own a shoe resell store when he gets older.  I think he's well on his way to doing so.  He wanted to go to Steak N Shake after the errand.  Honestly, it was the best service we had ever received there.

I had planted some Morning Glories, but Draco destroyed them and I thought they were lost forever.  About three weeks ago, they started opening up in my rose bush in the morning.

On Sunday, we grabbed some Taco Bell and visited my grandfather.  He enjoyed us there.  I facetimed Tanner so he could talk to him.

Freddie has been wanting to go outside so much lately.  I take him out there supervised and he seems to enjoy it and then wants to come in.  I think it's just me being afraid someone will hurt him out there.


  1. Congrats to Alli on her driver's test. That should take a decent amount of chauffeur duty away from you!
    How cool that Peyton is already a savvy businessman.

  2. Congrats to Alli! That is so exciting. Oh to be young again. Looks like the pets were happy Peyton was home.
